Friday, February 22, 2008


Normally (even though I hate this FUCKING word “normally” – what the FUCK does it say!?!) I am very positive, but not this FUCKING morning!

I woke up this FUCKING morning, having sleep 2 hours to FUCKING long! FUCK!
I got a FUCKING parking ticket, because I was parking to FUCKING long, having slept to FUCKING long! FOR FUCK SAKE!!

I went to one of my companies, figuring out, that what I thought was a very good business, was making a FUCKING deficit of xxx,000 DKK each FUCKING month the last FUCKING 3 MONTS! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!

Finally on my way home, the police called me, asking if it was me having a charming lovely old campingvan in Copenhagen City – I said yes , why? and the nice police man told me, what it was all covered with FUCKING parking tickets. Trust me, its FUCKING expensive getting a FUCKING parking ticket EVERY FUCKING day for a few month! What a FUCKED UP FUCKING FUCK DAY!

Finally (or the second finally FUCKING thing) my FUCKING old bike FUCKING broke down on my way home! WHAT A FUCKING DAY – FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!

But you know what.....
...., as I came home, and realized I was alive! :-) ! I fixed the bike (or actuality bought a new faction old one!:). I paid all the parking tickets and though them away – done deal!:-)!. And I have just made a turnaround plan for the one company, which I will fix next week! And tomorrow I can sleep as long as I feel like, as I have no appointments – just me and my love:-)

Finally I love this day – and I feel lucky I am alive:-)

Dear friends – love you all and my old camping van:-)

Have a nice weekend :-)

/ Simon From


At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my hero - keep up that positive spirit and passion, which the rest of the world could learn a lot from! :-)

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sun always shines after the storm and the heavy rain.


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