Friday, January 12, 2007

Its All About Love

“Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen- love is a many splendored thing- love lifts us up where we belong! All you need is love!”

I just saw Moulin Rouge – I love this move among many other love stories! Yes, now its said, I LOVE LOVEMOVIES!;O)

Its very seldom I watch TV or movies, but when I do so, I get so absorbed – feels like I am within the movie. Crazy but true.

I have a theory, which I would like to share with you. The theory is simple, just like any other theory - but never the less true I believe. It goes like this; the movies, TV, entertainment, etc., what ever you do or see effect you much more than you believe! E.g. I if you wash psycho or war movies, which I hade, it makes you in a bad mode. Watching love, happy, funny, inspiration, innovative movies, which I LOVE, makes you glade and full of energy! It’s simple - but try. Think it over –choosing happy and lovely surroundings, e.g. simple things like watching positive movies instead of negative ones, you will be positive instead of negative. Simple but try – I believe Ü

Anyway, just my thoughts – I am going to watch an real entrepreneur movie tonight – Aviator! And maybe the good old Cocktail ;-)