Sunday, August 13, 2006

on my own again

my dear girlfriend (whom I love more that anything - but more as a person whom I deeply respect and feel good being with) and I just went in to directions - so I am on my own again. I always seem to find a reason for every thing, but love seems as a mystery, which most property also is the beauty of it. Man - this is hard stuff, especially when you know each other that well and respect and help each other in any way, and its all suddenly history. Never the less I truly believe in true love, so I'll just have to be patient I believe


At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgive me my indiscretion, but just wondered if you are still looking for that "true love?" I mean, time has passed since 2006 and if you are in love and happy, then so am I for you (......) :-)


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