Thursday, November 24, 2005

Stress - an underestimated subject!

Stress - an underestimated subject! And extremely important for entrepreneurs to know about, therefore I will make my own guidelines, being a entrepreneur with a big E myself, having the need for it!;O)

I just read a line about the subject at, an entrepreneur debate site in Denmark, discussing a bit about stress, saying that sport is the key not to get stress – which I would like to comment on!!!

My input:
I believe sport (as many says) do help people not being and feeling stressed! Yes, this is correct, but you have to be careful about this argument!
I am pretty interested in people, psychology, performance, and the barriers and opportunities which we have in our resources, therefore I have done what I can to trying to understand this. What happens is if you feel stressed, and get the feeling you can make it if you just do sports (especially doing alot of sport, which gives the body energy), is that you cheat the body and the natural mechanisms, which normally says STOP, if you don’t pump you body with energy (endofiner). This means you will cheat the body by doing it with forced or artificial energy, and you won’t feel the stress you might have. This can obviously give seriously consequences - worst case you will collapse as it’s just artificial energy you are living on – or???

My input to reducing stress:
Sport; for sure – but keep in mind the above written.

Holiday – take some days of!; I myself try to have one extended weekend (fx flying to a big city some where) every month, and a longer holiday (one week fare away) every quarter.

E-mails; don’t set you email account so emails just comes in automatically as you are online! Do this manually, as its will stress you seeing all these mails coming in working on something’ll.

Structure (conscious self-discipline); make goals and a agenda! Don’t overbook your self and you calendar, and remember to celebrate your goals as your reach them (also part goals, which is important to have, not getting stress), and maybe celebrate them with a holiday or something like this, which cover your needs ;O)

Sleep at night - without your brain still working; total unwind before you sleep – meaning DON’T check your last emails and make the important decisions which takes your brain works hard, just before sleeping, as it doesn’t stop as you turn of the computer!

My new start page on my computer is (only in Danish - sorry!)

Well, lets see if I can keep my one guidelines ;O)


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