Saturday, October 15, 2005

Living in the moment

Ask you self; are you happy, living the life YOU believe is the best and most happy life, getting your needs fulfilled? Many will say (just as they do at ) – well yes I guess so…

My question is what is happiness and your needs? My answers; ITS INDIVIDUAL, some get their needs fulfilled going to work from 8-16, afterwards taking care of their family, some by traveling around the world making big business or pleasure etc. But I will clam that you can define happiness (and your needs), by saying happiness is when you are happy, smiling, being there, understanding the moment – in other words; LIVING IN THE MOMENT!

Why this note? Well, I guess it’s mainly to tell myself, what I am doing (right now) and what I need to do. I am one of these entrepreneurs who run very fast, always looking for new goals, I get to the goal, I define a new goal (with out celebrating the obtained goal), I get to the goal, I define a new….etc. Does this make me happy? Well, to some extends yes, but the long story is no! What makes you happy is being happy about what you do, think and feel in the moment – living in the moment!

A proverb says: "Målet med livet er ikke at blive verdensmester, men at lære at mestre verden"

This was just a reminder to MYSELF (and others - if needed), to stop up some times and ask myself if I am living in the moment, getting and doing what I really want. An article from says "it seems like activity is more important than the moments in which they occur".

Why is it that hard living in the moment (as fx the articel from DailyOM says), as it seems to be as not many are doing this? Why do people (like me) all the time focus at getting some where and not just being relaxed about the moment? I guess it’s because they (and I) are afraid of the moment, not knowing what to do and think in the moment. So the 1 mill question is; WHAT IS THAT MOMONT, AND WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN??

There are many ideas like Harriet Meyerson writes in his acticle at etc. My input: I guess this moment (at least my moment) is and contains a happy peaceful relaxed acknowledgement, knowing myself and understand the world, and feel that people around me respect me and my doings, and find that I am a great guy, and that I always will be there for the ones I love.

Well this is just my idea of what my “living in the moment” contains, what is yours?


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Simon that is SO CRAZY and yet sooooooo normal that you wrote that just now!!!!!!! Aagh! God I love the way everyone in this world id completely connected!

I was having THE EXACT conversation with one of my closest friends here in Holland, Telma. She is like an exact replica of me, except she is Dutch Portuguese and looks nothing like me. And we were talking about how we were so busy busy going from place to place and always needing to be AMAZING and courageous and different and challenged and moving and in the new and doing HUGE projects that we felt like even though we had travelled to these amazing place and achieved all these goals that it wasn't enough.

That even though i had travelled to Denmark and studied in fucking Danish and made amazing friends and learnt an amazing amoutn about myself that it wasn't enough. Should I have gotten more out of it? I should have been more present there! I should have done this and that and really relished the moment! Did i miss out on things because I was thinking of the next goal and the next thing and the next .....

Needless to say it was an intense conversation and I got home at like 1am (aah work this morning!). But I also realised how INTENSE i can be. And that is cool, that is a part of my personality. But I also think that i am so keen to get the most out of life that I can become fixated on goals and achievement and lose sight of the more important things.

So what did I do in the past 8 hours since this conversation?

Well i decided to forget about all these goals that i had set myself for a while. (and believe me I have written them down and there are PLENTY!) And i thought about the things that really DO make me happy.
And I decided to focus on them for a while. Because i think that when you are really happy and doing the things you love and just being, and being true to yourself and not acting in a way that is only to make people like you and to look good (harder than it
sounds) then you are in present moment awareness.

When I think of the times when i was really happy and really excited i was TOTALLY there, in the moment, and not wanting to be anywhere else. Maybe the trick is just finding that sense of joy in everything?

I still have a couple fo goals that i have committed myself here to which i will not let go of and will take responsilbility for and follow through. But after them I think i might relax for a while, not do the things i SHOULD be doing, but rather things that make me happy. And relax a bit. And take it easy.

Oh and there are a couple of great yoga positions that give you present moment awareness, and if your mind starts wandering then you totally fall over. (I wish that happened in life to remind me?!?)

Great to hear from you and that you sounds so well and on top of things and that you are constantly looking to improve yourself! Its a life long job.

Please send my love to Mai, i never got in contact with her and was thinking about you both yesterday! I would love to hear from her too...

Lots of love,


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