Monday, January 01, 2001

Informal CV – are to be read with a smile;O)

After the perfect childhood in the best family on the countryside (thanks mom and dad!), with all you need, I have tried lots of things and a bit more!
My experience goes from working as gardener to being managing director, with titles as boy scout, festival bottle collector, gardener, gymnastic teacher, bartender, model, sales man, concept developer, general manager and managing director, having tried many good and bad things on many levels.
In short; I am a happy curious guy with a lots of drive and creative and innovative thoughts, wanting to try it all out in one day ;O)

what I do
As an entrepreneur (with a big E) I work with different concepts, with me as the concept developer – having dedicated the next decade to become an international bizz dude, helping, inspiring and motivating businesses as well as individuals defining, developing and carrying out new business ideas. I invest all my time and money in Start-ups, business concept development and my family. I truly believe Will Rose saying; “Success is not measured by how far you have come, but rather by the number of people you have brought with you!”

Besides this, I also take the job as a bartender, as time allows, where its my responsibility to flit with all the lovely women’s and juggle with the bottles behind the bar ;O)

what I have tried
The entrepreneur dreams stared with I was 18 years old, where a friend of mine and I made the first company “From & Korup I/S” – where we made the first energy selling moss! I have done 4 startups and have had many agencies, dealing with all types of products as baby food, optical cables etc. - including ups and downs.

Beside life experience, which I believe is the best education, I am educated as HD (bachelor in origination and leadership at Copenhagen business school), Bartender!;0), International Business Certificate (IBC), entrepreneur courses, Leadership and cooperation (Merkonom), Economic (Merkonom), and the lovely gardener education!

Having got greats from 03 in geography – till 13 in entrepreneurship

knowledge of language
English: fluently
Danish: mother-tongue
German: speak terribly German, but can charm any germen, buying what ever I have.
Latvian: Understand a bit – but neither speaks for write.
Russian: Can say hello and order a beer Ü
Spanish /Italian /Portuguese: don’t understand a word – but would love to learn it!

spare time
My spare time is very limited, if any at all, as I have a hard time sitting still, but prefer to challenge the world and try out all its opportunities. For that reason I always has many ideas and concepts going on. But I would prefer to turn it all around, saying that I have spare time 24 hours a day, seven days a week, doing exactly what I like !;O)
Besides this its all about traveling, party and sports ;O)

Personnel qualifications
Open-minded, new thinking, sensitive, happy and positive, creative, humor, drive, focused / pragmatic, dynamic and engaged, organized, being a good businessman with good communication skills

my future plans
Explore the world and its many I live my day and life
Seeing every day as an opportunity to explore, learn and try out new adventures. And foremost to meet a lots of interesting people, with whom I can share the happiness of life.

Call me for at chat or ask the people whom I know :O)